ITAYA HOTEL Room Information

  • Room TypeDetail:[smoking allowed] <Western-style Twin room>
Date of your intended stay

- night(s) from Sep. 24, 2024

No.of persons

No designation

No.of rooms


  • Type of stay
  • No designation

remain 1rooms

[smoking allowed] <Western-style Twin room>

The features of the room type

The rooms are compact Western-style rooms with two beds.
It overlooks Mount Maeshirane (2,373m) and other mountains in the 2,300m range.
The room is surrounded by abundant nature. The tranquility of the rooms allows you to forget the passage of time and get away from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

・Mountain view.
・Stand desk
・Unit bath and a bidet toilet
・smoking allowed room.
*Select room type, nonsmoking or smoking allowed when you make a reservation.

Outline of the room type

2 person/1 room(adult 1 person charge) ¥22,160(w tax)~

1 to 2 person

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2 person(s)

The price listed for one adult does include tax.

In case of No vacancy on the day you desire, try the Room Availability Service.

What is the Room Availability Service?

You will be notified by e-mail or phone if a room
becomes available on the day you desire.

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