Yatsusan Kan Room Information

  • Room TypeDetail:Tamayura
Date of your intended stay

- night(s) from Jul. 11, 2025

No.of persons

No designation

No.of rooms


  • Type of stay
  • No designation

Rooms available


The features of the room type

A special room with an observation hinoki bath was renovated from a guest room on the 3rd floor of the Kantsurou building. Enjoy the soft atmosphere of the painted washi paper and the glass lighting light at night. Spend your private time and space at your leisure in a spacious layout.

The room consists of a 10-tatami-mat main room,
a 7.5-tatami-mat bedroom,
and a 6-tatami-mat living room, with a hinoki bathtub
and a Simmons bed.
The total area is 72 square meters.

Please note that we do not accommodate children under 6 years old.
The room's bath is heated with groundwater.
All rooms are non-smoking.

Outline of the room type

2 person/1 room(adult 1 person charge) ¥42,900(w tax)~

1 to 4 person

Choose a plan. Click and continue to next screen.

1 person(s) 2 person(s) 3 person(s) 4 person(s)
¥81,400 ¥49,500 ¥48,400 ¥47,300
¥42,900 ¥41,800 ¥40,700

The price listed for one adult does include tax.

In case of No vacancy on the day you desire, try the Room Availability Service.

What is the Room Availability Service?

You will be notified by e-mail or phone if a room
becomes available on the day you desire.

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