kinpyo Room Information

  • Room TypeDetail:Kyomachiya (japanese traditional house)
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- night(s) from ---. --, ----

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  • No designation

Kyomachiya (japanese traditional house)

The features of the room type

There are Japanese style smaller rooms with 6 tatami mats and lager rooms with 10 tatami mats.

In all of our rooms you can feel the traditional atmosphere of Machiya, Kyoto; the room design was made while keeping in mind that our guests should have a comfortable stay. Because of this we also added something modern features.

Tamped Earth floor (Doma)
The Doma has the unique atmosphere of Machiya, Kyoto and a high ceiling, which is characteristic of Japanese architecture; it is a space that can be used freely by anyone.
Please use the spacious doma during your stay.

About bedclothes
We will prepare a Japanese style bedding called “Futon”, which is a high-class down futon that is suitable for both winter and summer season.

We will make a bed after you go out for dinner.

About our bathroom
The Cypress bath is a larger-sized bathtub. Since the entire bathroom, even its walls, are also made of cypress, you can enjoy its aroma while having a relaxing bath.

Outline of the room type

2 person/1 room(adult 1 person charge) ¥25,500(w tax)~

1 to 5 person

Facilities and equiptment

Smaller-sized Kitchen / Microwave Oven / TV / Internet(WIFI) / PC / Tea Pot / Electric Thermos / Coffee and Tea set / Refrigerator / Hair Dryer / Air-conditioner which is available in every room / Bar Soap / Body Soap / Shampoo / Hair Conditioner / Tooth Brush and Tooth Paste / Towl / Bath Towl

Choose a plan. Click and continue to next screen.

2 person(s) 3 person(s) 4 person(s) 5 person(s)
¥25,500~ ¥22,200~ ¥20,000~ ¥16,700~

The price listed for one adult does include tax.

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