Wafu Pension MIYAZAWA Room Information

  • Room TypeDetail:Japanese-Style Room 107 ft2 with 54 ft2 loft, Private Toilet and Shared Bath
Date of your intended stay

- night(s) from ---. --, ----

No.of persons

No designation

No.of rooms


  • Type of stay
  • No designation

Non-smokingJapanese-Style Room 107 ft2 with 54 ft2 loft, Private Toile ...

The features of the room type

You will use private toilet and shared baths.

[Room facilities]
*Bed size:80cm-198cm(Single Size)x2[Loft],Futonx3
*Safty Box

[bath amenities]
*Face towel and Toothbrush
*Bath towel

Rental at Front Desk
*Hair Dryer(free)
*Electric kettle(free)

Outline of the room type

2 person/1 room(adult 1 person charge) ¥10,300(w tax)~

1 to 5 person

Room Choice Click the picture to view details

Please choose Will you use car parking? from the 2 choices below.

  • no use car parking

    Pick-Up Service between the bus stop and our place [provide 7 am-10 am,and 3 pm-9 pm] *If you want us to pick you up at the bus stop,please let us know your arrival time a day before your arrival.We can not accept to pick up between 10 am to 3 pm,and before 7 am,after 9 pm.(Our front Desk is closed.We have to go shopping in the daytime.)
  • use car parking

    *The car is in 1.9 meters wide. *We will keep your car's key during your staying. *You cannot move your car out of the parking lot during your stay. *We have the potential to move your car. *It is not possible to arrive at our place by car before the check-in time (3 pm). *We can prepare the space for 1 car per room.
All prices include tax.

Choose a plan. Click and continue to next screen.

2 person(s) 3 person(s) 4 person(s)
¥12,300~ ¥8,900~ ¥7,400~
¥10,300~ ¥6,900~ ¥5,400~

The price listed for one adult does include tax.

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