![Price list](../../../../../../../../img_eng/room/detail_h_img07.gif)
Number of the guests |
2 person(s)/1 room(s) | 3 person(s)/1 room(s) | 4 person(s)/1 room(s) | 5 person(s)/1 room(s) |
| |
The price listed for one adult does include tax.
6-12 years old |
Infant:With meal(s) and futon |
Infant:Meal(s) only |
Infant:Futon only |
Infant:No meal or futon |
| |
All prices include tax.
![In case of No vacancy on the day you desire, try the Room Availability Service.](https://www3.yadosys.com/Reserve/img_eng/plan/kuusitu.gif)
What is the Room Availability Service?
You will be notified by e-mail or phone if a room
becomes available on the day you desire.
![Apply for Room Availability Service](../../../../../../../../img_eng/plan/btn01_over.jpg)